Blended Learning – CPR/AED Level C Recertification – Sarnia – June 12, 2020
Location: 109 Durand Street, Sarnia, upper floor
Date: June 12, 2020
Time: 8:30 am – 11:00 pm
- 2 hours must be completed on-line before the in-class session & 2.5 hours completed in-class.
- Must show proof that the online session has been completed on day of your in-class session or you will be asked to leave.
- Must have a valid, non expired level C CPR card that has not been recerted on before. CPR only, no first aid with this course.
Out of stock
Shipping charges will apply to all products that need to be shipped. There is no shipping on First Aid & CPR training. IE: Medical supplies, AED’s & First Aid Kits.